"In 1989, the eminent American scientist Linus Pauling and his associate Matthias Rath MD, unlocked a medical mystery . . . Then in 1991, Linus Pauling invented a non-prescription cure. The twice Nobel prize winning genius, chemist, and medical researcher made the strong (and so far unreported) claim that heart disease can be controlled, even cured, by a specific "mega-nutrient" therapy. Heart patients using the Pauling Therapy routinely avoid angioplasty and open heart surgery. Not by lowering cholesterol, but by attacking the root cause. Rapid recovery has been the rule, not the exception . . . there are no known adverse side effects. You must unlearn what you have learned." Joseph Mercola, Mercola Optimal Wellness Center, www.mercola.com. [Read the full Mercola article here.]
Dr. Mercola is published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, British Medical Journal, Canadian Medical Journal, Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, The Townsend Letter, and many other medical journals. He serves on the Advisory Boards of the Nutrition for Optimal Health Association, the Pottinger Nutrition Foundation, and the Weston A. Price Foundation, and is a member in good standing of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and the American Academy of Neural Therapy.
Dr. Cathcart calls the mainstream medical community's refusal to accept the nutritional cause and cure of heart disease along with its refusal to fund further research into the Pauling Therapy THE MOST COLOSSAL BLUNDER IN MEDICAL HISTORY!
Dr. Cathcart is an orthopedic surgeon and inventor of the Cathcart hip prosthesis (used to replace the ball portion of the hip joint). He is published in The Lancet, Journal of the American Medical Association, Medical Tribune, Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, Medical Hypothesis, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, and many other medical journals. Countless articles published by Dr. Cathcart, considered one of the foremost medical authorities on the use of vitamin C, can be read here.
Robert F. Cathcart, III, M.D.
"In my opinion, an arterial cleansing program provides the most benefits when it’s combined with the so-called Pauling Therapy for Heart Disease. Two-time Nobel laureate, Dr. Linus Pauling and his colleague, Dr. Matthias Rath, advocated taking large quantities of one of the most potent antioxidants, vitamin C, with the amino acids L-lysine and L-proline for the prevention and reversal of heart disease." [Read the full article here.]
Dr. Fauszt is a faculty member and the medical advisor for the Global Institute For Alternative Medicine, www.gifam.org.
"We have learned a great deal in the last few years about how certain nutrients, vitamins, and dietary supplements can enhance the health of blood vessels. If you are at risk for developing heart disease, or already have significant vessel damage, you need to know that you can strengthen your blood vessels with nutritional supplements - nutrients I have successfully used to repair the functioning of the heart and blood vessels in my patients."
Dr. Cooke is Professor of Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine and Director of the Vascular Medicine Section of the University's Medical School, and author of the book, The Cardiovascular Cure: How to Strengthen Your Self Defense Against Heart Attack and Stroke. He believes that cardiovascular disease can be cured without drugs or surgery.
Dr. Julian Whitaker writes in defense of Linus Pauling regarding the act of John Renner, M.D., an active board member of the National Council Against Health Fraud, of including Linus Pauling on a list of people he maintains to be "quacks and frauds":
"John Renner has even put Linus Pauling, Ph.D., on this quacklist. Dr. Pauling has been singled out by two authoritative sources as one of the top 20 scientists of all time, along with Aristotle, Galileo and Newton. The only other scientist selected from the 20th century was Albert Einstein. Imagine, John Renner, a relative "no-weight" compared to Dr. Pauling, labels the only person to be awarded two unshared Nobel prizes as a fraud." Julian Whitaker, A Modern-Day Witch Hunt, modified from Health & Healing, October 1997.
With regard to emergency treatment for cardiovascular disease, Dr. Whitaker has written:
"The millions of people who were told that they needed immediate surgery to save their lives actually had a 98.4% chance of surviving without surgery!" Julian Whitaker, according to a CASE study published by the New England Journal of Medicine, 1983]
Dr. Whitaker has also commented with regard to conventional cardiac surgery for the treatment of coronary artery disease:
". . . the heart surgery industry is a fraud . . . The heart surgery industry is booming. According to American Heart Association statistics, in 1995 1,460,000 angiograms (the diagnostic procedure that starts the ball rolling) were performed at an average cost of $10,880 per procedure. This resulted in 573,000 bypass surgeries at $44,820 a shot, and 419,000 angioplasties (the balloon procedure for opening up arteries) at $20,370 each. The total bill for these procedures is over $50 billion a year."
"There is no scientific justification for the use of angiography, balloon angioplasty and bypass surgery to treat most cardiovascular disease. Several studies over the past two decades, involving over 6,000 patients with heart disease, have shown that patients funneled into surgical procedures do significantly worse than those treated with noninvasive techniques. "Noninvasive" refers to the use of medication, but not diet, exercise and multiple vitamin supplements, which can be quite beneficial."
"Other than their cost, the only thing definitely known about these procedures is that they do kill people. Roughly one in 25 patients having a bypass and about one in 65 undergoing angioplasty die from the procedure. Frankly, if we took all of the bypass surgeons and catheter-pushing cardiologists, tied their thumbs together and locked them in a closet, we would save close to 30,000 lives and over $50 billion ever year." Julian Whitaker, Health & Healing, Sep 98, Vol 8, No 9
Discussing angioplasty procedures in his newsletter that reportedly reaches over 500,000 people, Dr. Whitaker writes:
"In my opinion, there is never a reason for anyone to have an angioplasty. It is a dangerous procedure looking desperately for validation. Whenever it is compared to a non surgical therapyand there have been very few of these studiespatients treated with angioplasty virtually always fare worse. There is a higher death rate, higher heart attack rate and, in general, a higher repeat surgery rate. This procedure will, in my opinion, always be an unproven, expensive and dangerous gimmick that became an accepted therapy based on selfserving "presumption" only. Bypass surgery may be helpful for some patients, but it should not be used as the first treatment, and clearly not in mild heart attack patients. Medication, dietary and lifestyle changes, plus nutritional supplements are more effective approaches." Julian Whitaker, M.D.
One explanation for the silence of the medical profession regarding the Pauling therapy for heart disease is that many doctors and cardiologists are not aware of it. They are not taught prevention in medical school and the medical profession seldom advocates the use of nutritional supplements for the treatment of illness. Additionally, there exists not a single published clinical study run by medicine to test the Pauling therapy despite decades of scientific supporting evidence, and major medical journals have consistently refused to publish the Pauling/Rath scientific research findings.
Another reason for this neglect may be that it sounds too good to be true, regardless of the
"Helping yourself prevent a heart attack means knowing more than your cholesterol count. Your endothelium (the lining of your blood vessels) plays a vital role in this process. It is important to know what you can do to keep this vital organ as healthy as possible."
Dr. Reaven is Professor of Medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
"Everyone should worry about the health of their endothelium and, better still, do something to protect it if it shows signs of damage. Early identification and treatment of blood vessel damage should be the preventive agenda for the new millenium."
Dr. Cohn is Professor of Medicine at the University of Minnesota Medical School.
"The best part of Dr. Rath's discoveries is that they provide effective action anyone can take to both prevent and treat vascular disease in a powerful way by natural means without relying on Draconian changes in diet and lifestyle or dangerous drugs which lower cholesterol but do nothing to decrease overall mortality." Ron Kennedy, Anti-Aging Medicine Clinic
Dr. Kennedy is skilled in the treatment of vascular disease and certified by the American College For Advancement in Medicine in Chelation Therapy.
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fact that a renowned Nobel Prize recipient and chemist invented this non-prescription, non-toxic alternative, or the fact that there are potentially enormous public health benefits. Most of us believe that if true, a development of this magnitude would never be ignored.
Lastly, but perhaps most significantly, the estimated direct and indirect cost of cardiovascular disease in the United States for 2008 is $448.5 billion, which in part explains why Linus Pauling's cure for heart disease is not common knowledge. The Pauling/Rath vitamin C theory and its associated treatment is a profound economic threat to the medical and pharmaceutical industry, and this may be the reason that the Pauling therapy story has never received publicity.

Where there's illness, there's money. No one profits when patients are well except the patients themselves. Faced with a financial loss of such magnitude, a two-time Nobel Prize winning scientist could quickly become a "once great but now senile old man" instead of the genius whose last great contribution to humanity was a cure that would eradicate coronary heart disease for us and our children and eliminate billions in profit. The World Health Organization predicts that in the year 2020, 11.1 million people will die from coronary heart disease. What would be the incentive for implementing a cure that does not require the AHA to research it, a doctor to administer it, or a pharmacy to dispense it?
There is a growing number of medical practitioners, both conventional and alternative, who have learned of and now support the Pauling/Rath theory and therapy for heart disease and use the Pauling protocol to treat patients in their own medical practices. Following are testimonials from just a few of such doctors.
"In 1989, the eminent American scientist Linus Pauling and his associate Matthias Rath MD, unlocked a medical mystery . . . Then in 1991, Linus Pauling invented a non-prescription cure. . . . Heart patients using the Pauling Therapy routinely avoid angioplasty and open heart surgery. Not by lowering cholesterol, but by attacking the root cause. Rapid recovery has been the rule, not the exception . . . there are no known adverse side effects." Joseph Mercola, M.D.